Changing rooms

Le Cameleon is a wonderful eco  centered hotel on the edge of the rain forest in Costa Rica was a highlight of my January trip and one of the most unique hotels I have ever stayed in. One never ceases to find new Ideas in the hotel industry and this was one of them.
I arrived at reception where everything was coloured white – desk, furniture, walls, floor, lounge tales and chairs except for the orange uniforms of the staff and orange chair cushions. Our bedroom likewise had white walls, curtains, chairs, table, bathroom fittings, bed linen, floor, except for orange cushions, bed and pillow slips, curtain tie backs, chair covers and even orange paintings on the wall. It was an unusual scheme but fantastically vibrant. 
Next day, however, at breakfast staff uniforms were green and after servicing the room  everything that had been orange the previous day had been replaced with green items and likewise in the reception and lounge.
And the following day everything green was replaced by items in blue and red.
A true chameleon effect which worked brilliantly in the semi tropical climate of Costa Rica – a true delight.