The Black British Business Awards

Last week I was honoured to attend the inaugural Black British Business Awards.  It was a great occasion – perfect organisation with a beautiful meal in the Grange City Hotel, but above all one of the most inspiring afternoons I have enjoyed due to the talented business people that were shortlisted for the awards – a cross section from the arts, media, finance and STEM. I was delighted to applaud four winners sitting on my table:  Darcus Beese OBE, President Island records, Trevor Williams, Chief Economist Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking, Margaret Casely-Hayford, chairman Action Aid and Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock. Aderin-Pocock is a space scientist and communicator and her career to date includes: 
      Designing handheld land mine detectors.
      Working on the Gemini Telescope in Chile
      Roles at  the MOD, UCL and Asterism
      Public engagements worldwide, lecturing to over 150,000 people
      Giving talks to some 25000 inner city children on the exciting careers that science can offer
       Appearing in BBC science documentaries and has just produced her first film, Space in the UK
She brought her eight year old daughter to the lunch and up on stage to collect her award, dedicating the award to her daughter, 'her inspiration'. 

Ken Olisa, founder of ethical investment company Restoration Partners, gave a great closing speech - both humorous and humbling - and finished by urging us all to be philanthropic. It was a fantastic day. Congratulations to the founders Melanie Eusebe and Sophie Chandauka on a wonderful event - and good luck for 2015.